Stolkom Sp. z o.o.
The specialist for coffee and side tables, dining tables and chairs, small and TV furniture are part of the BEGA-GRUPPE since 2001. High revenue ranges for all types of trades are our focus.
Stolkom, founded in 1994, offers with reliable production partners in East Europe and the Far East optimum pricing for high quality and an unbeatable delivery reliability thanks to balanced structure.
“Development creativity and purchase experience: We offer best selling furniture and have been setting successful trends for years.”

Thorsten Hilpert
General Manager

Laura Gergen
General Manager

Michal Balewski
General Manager

Lukasz Piskozub
General Manager
We are looking forward to hear from you:

Laura Gergen
General Manager

Marvin Keuper
Stolkom Sp. z o. o.
ul. Poznańska 113A
PL 62-052 Komorniki
E-Mail: info@stolkom.pl

Julian Möller
Export Manager